[ITS] Step 4: BenQ AMS Administrator Guide and NFC Binding

A guide to help BenQ board AMS administrators and to assist with end users settings

The Account Management System (AMS) included with BenQ cloud services allows you to manage user interactions with BenQ boards. As an administrator, you can assist end users to configure their user experience when they log in to the board.

1. User Management Tab

    a. Network Drives

    b. Cloud storage

    c. Bookmarks

    d. Idle Session Logout

2. NFC Management Tab
3. Equipment Management Tab

    a. Authentication Mode

    b. Wallpaper Override


  1. User Management Tab
    To start click on global settings and from here, you will find the following.

    1. Network Drives

      1) Add a local network drive that ALL users will access from the file manager while logged into the board. Users will have to provide their credentials to access the drive.

      2) Once the drive has been populated in the list > select the check box next to it > click Apply

      3) The drive will now be available from the file manager when users are logged into the board.

    2. Cloud storage

      The cloud storage option gives you control over which cloud services your users can sync to their BenQ account. If your organization does not approve of users using one or more of these services > uncheck them from this list > click apply.


      From this tab you can add bookmarks that ALL users can access while logged into the board.

      You can add a single bookmark by clicking on add, then Copy and paste the URL into the field and give it a name.

      You can add multiple bookmarks through the import option. You may export your bookmarks from a web browser to an .html file by using the Import feature.

    4. Idle Session Logout

      1) This setting allows you to override the auto-logout time for all your users.   Auto logout is triggered after a defined period of inactivity where the board is sitting idle. If you do not apply this feature, each user will have the ability modify this setting for themselves. Please check the box for override > select a time > click apply for the changes to take effect. You can see which setting each user has selected in the Idle Session Logout column. 0 represents Never Logout.

      2) You may notice that when you select a user or all users under user management, a Setup Applications button appears. This allows you to pin applications to a user’s quick access toolbar for easy access from the board. To do so, please select the relevant application > click apply.

  2. NFC Management Tab

    From the NFC management tab, you can bind your BenQ NFC cards to a user account. Here are the different ways to accomplish this task:

    • Manually inputting or scanning to associate a serial number for each user.

      To do this, double click on the blank NFC field next to the user. A window will appear prompting you to input the serial number printed on the NFC card or to use one of the following NFC card scanners to populate the field.

      • ACS: ACR1242U http://www.acr1252.com/
      • Synnux: CL-2100R https://goo.gl/56ajQW
      • D-Logic: https://goo.gl/uLECHJ
      • InfoThink: InfoThink IT-101MU https://goo.gl/s3XGE4
    • The ‘Batch Binding Method’

      1) Click the Batch binding button and the following window will appear.

      2)  Click on Download List > save the .xls file to your local storage > Open the template file > populate the NFC card field. One user can have up to three cards bound to their BenQ account.

      3) Fill in the NFC card field for each user and save the file > go back to the console and select Download List > select the .xls file you just saved > the NFC cards are now associated with and bound to your users. 

    • If you require additional BenQ NFC cards you can:
  3. Equipment Management Tab
    Through the equipment management tab, you can perform two actions by selecting any of your boards from the list. Select your boards > click Setup Equipment Information.
    1. Authentication Mode

      Turning on authentication mode locks the board completely before a valid user logs in. In addition to this, before log in the HDMI and USB ports will be inactive, preventing unapproved users from displaying content on the board. Keep in mind that this feature is not available on older models. The setting will only be applied to boards that were selected and after clicking Apply at the bottom of the page

    2. Wallpaper Override

      This feature overrides the wallpaper selected by users in their personal settings, allowing organizations to have a consistent look across all of their BenQ boards. To do so, upload an image file (.jpeg .jpg .png) for use before or after log in. The suggested resolution formats for images to ensure proper scaling is 3840x2160 or 1920x1080. > check Replace Default Wallpaper for each > click Apply