[Teacher] BenQ Board End-User Resources: InstaShare 1

4 major platforms compatible with InstaShare 1 wireless casting

Table of contents

InstaShare 1 Download for Android Phones and Tablets

InstaShare 1 Download for iPhone and iPad

InstaShare 1 Download for Windows and macOS

InstaShare 1 Download for Chromebooks


InstaShare 1 Download for Android Phones and Tablets

InstaShare 1 Download for iPhone and iPad

InstaShare 1 Download for Windows and macOS

Click the link to be redirected to the download page for InstaShare 1 > select the appropriate version for your operating system.

If you are using macOS, please remember to give InstaShare 1 the below permissions. InstaShare 1 will not function if this step is not completed.

Under System Preferences, Security & Privacy, Privacy make sure that InstaShare 1 appears under the following tabs and has the check box ticked. If you are unable to change these parameters, you are not an administrator on your machine and should get help from a team member with administrator level privileges to set this up.

  • Camera
  • Microphone
  • Accessibility
  • Files and Folders (Downloads Folder)
  • Screen Recording

InstaShare 1 Download for Chromebooks

Please click the link to the Chrome web store to install InstaShare 1 as a Chrome web extension




InstaShare 2 is also available directly BenQ boards. If your organization is currently using InstaShare 2, please go to the InstaShare 2 section of this document to access download links. If you are uncertain about which version your organization is utilizing, please consult your BenQ administrator for clarification.