How can I upload Wi-Fi certificates to my BenQ Board?

Last updated 7/30/24

There are two ways that you can upload Wi-Fi certificates to your BenQ Boards.

Through DMS

Load from a USB

Load WiFi Certificate through DMS

  1. Go to DMS and login with your admin account.
  2. Navigate to the Policies tab and click   to create one if you don't have any existing ones. Click Edit if modifying an existing policy.

  3. Within the Policy => Security settings => Insert certificates.
  4. Click the '+' and navigate to the .cert file on your local device and click Open.
  5. The certificate should now be attached to this Policy. Click when you're ready to push the policy to your board(s).
  6. Deploy be Device(s), Group(s), Tag(s).
  7. To confirm the cert on your board, navigate to the Devices tab.
  8. Select your device and go to Detailed Info.

  9. Check that the Policy and Wi-Fi Certificate are on this board.

Load from USB

04 Models

  1. Login with an Admin level user and open the Android Settings.
  2. Navigate to Security => More security settings => Encryption& credentials => Install a certificate.

03 Models

  1. Open up the BenQ OSD Settings menu by click the Settings Icon on your Home screen or by hitting the Settings button on the front of your panel.
  2. Navigate to the System tab > Certificates.


  3. Click Install from USB.

  4. To confirm that the certificate is installed, navigate to the Network tab > Wi-Fi > "three dots" > Advanced Settings

  5. Click Installed certificates to confirm.