How to set Google Drive in my Chrome browser to open files within the Browser.

For use with EDLA Certified BenQ Boards, 04 Series and up.

[Changing how files are opened within Google Drive]

1) Open up Chrome on your BenQ Board and login with your Google Workspace account.

2) Navigate to Google drive on your board via

3) Navigate to the Drive settings within the Chrome browser by clicking on the gear wheel.

4) Within the drop down, click on Settings.

5) On the sidebar menu select Manage Apps.

6) Choose the file type you want to adjust (e.g. Google Docs) and uncheck Use by default.

7) Opening files (e.g. Google Docs) will now open within the browser instead of through the Google Doc native application.

8) To open the file within a new tab, double-tap on the Google file you would like to open. Once open, click on the and select Open in new window.