[Instashare 2] Release Notes for FW v1.6.2.0

Released 12/25/24 - Updated 1/1/25

Note: This update is mainly for WINDOWS version.


  • Improved Chromecast device discovery.
  • [Windows] Virtual sound card license renewal. Note: Current users do not need to update; this change only affects future downloads.

[Update Instructions]

This update requires manual installation.

Updating Windows Instashare 2 Client application.

  1. Download from InstaShare 2 website HERE.

Updating InstaShare 2 Host from DMS

  1. Go to https://dms.benq.com.
  2. Log in with your admin credentials.
  3. From the main menu, click Apps → BenQ Apps. The list of available apps appears.
  4. Locate InstaShare 2, and then click Install. The app installation menu appears.
  5. Select to install by devices, groups, or tags, and then click Next.
  6. Select the specific devices, groups, or tags, and then click Select. A confirmation message appears.
  7. Review the information, and then click Confirm.

    Updating InstaShare 2 from the BenQ Board

    1. On the home screen taskbar, tap → BenQ App Store.
    2. Tap  → InstaShare 2. The app details window appears.
    3. Tap Update.
      Tip: If there are other available app updates, you can install them simultaneously.
    4. Tap  then  Update All.