[RM04] Release Notes for FW v1.0.2.89

Released 3/17/25 - Updated 3/14/25


  • The Touch Firmware update process has been improved; the following functions will be disabled during the Touch Firmware update process to ensure it completes correctly:
    • The power key on the keypad and remote control
    • Auto power off within 1 minute from the Android settings menu.
    • Power off Automation set in DMS.

    [Fixed Issues]

    • Fixed an issue that caused the Google Meet app v.293.0.732254560.duo.android_20250216.15_p6 not to function properly.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the board’s Wi-Fi not to function properly when an Automation event was pushed to the board from DMS.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the board’s Wi-Fi not to reconnect properly when auto power on was set using an automated power schedule.
    • Fixed an issue that caused web games on https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize not to launch.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the webcam name in the BenQ Board Settings menu to be displayed repeatedly when connecting two or more USB webcams to the board.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Poly Studio conferencing devices not to be recognized after the board was rebooted.
    • Fixed an issue with Zoom v.6.3.11 (28195) compatibility when using certain webcams that caused the Zoom to app crash.

    [Update Instructions]

    This update requires manual installation through DMS or on the BenQ Board.

    Updating the firmware from DMS

    ⚠️ Warning

    The firmware update restarts the devices automatically. Make sure to update the firmware during off hours.

    1. Go to https://dms.benq.com.
    2. Log in with your admin credentials.
    3. From the main menu, click Firmware. The list of available device models appears.
    4. Locate your BenQ Board model, and then click Update. The update summary appears.
    5. Review the update details, and then click Update.

      Tip: You can also click Schedule to schedule the update at a later time.

      Updating the firmware from the BenQ Board

      ⚠️ Warning

        • The firmware update requires a system restart. Make sure to save all important data before proceeding.
        • The update process may take a few minutes to complete. Ensure that there are no interruptions. Do not power off the device or disconnect from the internet to prevent permanent damage to the display.
      1. Open the Settings menu.
      2. Tap Advanced → System update.
      3. Tap Update system.

      The system downloads and updates the firmware and then reboots automatically.