[RM04/RP04] How to Manage Apps in the Google Play Store on your BenQ Boards

Following the steps below, you can manage the available apps your Users see in the Google Play Store on your BenQ Boards (and other Android Devices).

Before starting, make sure that your Google Workspace license supports Advanced Mobile Management.

[Enabling Mobile Management for Android Devices]

1. Navigate to the Universal tab for your devices

2. Expand the General tab to modify the mobile management settings. Note that these settings don't have to be applied globally, but can be set to specific OUs.

3. Under Mobile Management, if you don't want to apply this policy to all devices, we can choose Custom and just select Android devices (BenQ Boards are running Android OS) and click Save. If you're using a nested OU, click Override, otherwise you will inherit the parent settings. 

4. Navigate to Mobile & endpoints > Settings > Android > Apps and data sharing > Available apps.

5.  Select the desired OU and set the Available apps to Only allowed apps. Click Save and Override if in a nested OU.

6. Navigate back to Universal Settings > General > Mobile Management. Again, select your desired OU, and set Android to Basic. (The reason we want to use Basic is that Advanced requires the Android Device Policy App to be installed on your device in order to allow your users to Sync correctly to Google). Click Save and Override if needed.

7. Verify that your OU still has the Available Apps set to Only allowed apps.

[Managing the Available App list for your users]

1. Navigate to Apps > Web and mobile apps.

2. Click Add app > Search for apps to select which apps to add to the available list.

3. Search for your desired app and click Select.

4. Select the desired OU/Group to have this application available click Continue.

5. Choose:

Available if you want to allow users to download this application from Google Play Store.

Force install if you want to install the desired application on your user devices (that are logged in with this Google workspace account). WARNING: this includes any Android devices that the user is logged into, not just the BenQ Boards.

Click Finish.

6.  Any users under the set OU should now see a managed Google Play Store. Note that Google may take up to 24 hours to propagate the changes automatically. Users can manually log out of Google on their boards and log back in to the see updates sooner.