Released 3/20/25 - Updated 3/18/25
Models: RP6504, RP7504, RP8604
[New Features]
Dual screen mode
Users can now connect an RP04 BenQ Board to another display such as a digital signage display, another BenQ Board, or a projector via HDMI out to mirror or extend the RP04 screen to the secondary display. After connecting the displays, users will see a Dual-screen icon on the sidebar of the RP04 primary display. After tapping this icon, they can then select from two modes, Duplicate and Extend. If extended to another BenQ RP04, touch will ALSO be available on the secondary RP04.
- Duplicate Mode
Mirrors the RP04 screen to the secondary display, identical to the previous HDMI out function. All content on the RP04 will be shown on the secondary screen. - Extend Mode
Allows apps to be dragged and assigned to either the RP04 (main screen) or the extended display (second screen). Users can select specific apps to display on the main or secondary screen.
New options in added to RP04 OSD Menu
- Audio out
Speaker and USB-Audio can be selected as an Audio output under OSD setting > Audio. - Air Quality sensor
You can now turn on/off for air quality sensor under OSD setting > Advanced.
- Optimize audio quality
Optimization of Audio quality can now be toggled (ON by default) from the Admin Menu. If you're unfamiliar with how to access the Admin menu on your RP04, please reach out to our TSE Team or your BenQ rep.
The audio from the RP04 can be increased by disabling the audio quality optimization (as filters are enabled to prevent any audio clipping/issue, but do reduce the overall volume from the speakers.) Users have seen this while playing movies from external sources/DVD Players.
Default Settings Changed
- Multi Window is now ON by default.
- Privacy setting when connecting with WiFi is now Use device MAC by default.
Export file error message
Users will now see a popup message if they export a log file with a name that does not meet the naming requirements.
- Optimized how Microsoft Teams accesses a camera connected to the RP04 when users switch back to Android from an external source by adding a 15-second delay and a popup notification if the camera is not ready.
- Optimized the USB cloning function by automatically creating a BenQ folder on the USB during USB cloning if one does not already exist.
- Optimized audio quality by adding an echo cancellation algorithm.
- Optimized the user experience by removing the popup message users would see when attempting to record their screen.
- Enhanced security in Authentication mode by disabling the use of physical keyboards with the RP04.
[Fixed Issues]
- Fixed an issue that caused the Android system not to reboot properly.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Microsoft Teams camera feed not to load properly when using a public preview Teams account.
- Fixed an issue that caused incomplete log exports from the Admin menu.
- Fixed an issue that caused the system to revert to Android when users switched to another input source if the Floating Tool was open in Multi-window mode.
- Fixed an issue that caused the native launcher dock to be displayed when users opened the BenQ Board Settings menu and AMS service was enabled.
- Fixed an issue that caused the display brightness to lower when users used the Spotlight on the remote control.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Multi-window mode enable toggle to be missing from the BenQ Board system settings after users updated from firmware v.20240423 or older.
- Fixed an issue that caused inaccurate CPU usage data for the board to be displayed on DMS.
- Fixed an issue that caused incomplete exported logs when users updated from firmware older than v.20240927 via OTA.
- Fixed an issue that caused screen tearing and freezing when playing certain YouTube videos.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Chrome browser to open when users tagged an Apple AirTag to the NFC sensor after logging out of their BenQ account.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Android system to freeze when logging into a BenQ account or switching accounts.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Android system to fail to reconnect automatically to a hidden Wi-Fi (DFS channel) after the board was rebooted.
[Updated Apps]
- AccountSetting to v2.1.10.0
- UniLauncher to v1.2.8.0
- UniSidebar to v1.1.5.0
- UniWidget v1.1.2.0
- BenQ System Updates to v2.3.1.13
- AMS Files to v2.2.1.1
- EZWrite6 to v1.4.6.0
- EZTool to v1.2.6.0
- BroadcastSetting to v2.4.22.0
- DMS Client to v3.3.4.0
- InstaShare2 to v1.7.0.0
[Update Instructions]
This update requires manual installation through DMS or on the BenQ Board.
Updating the firmware from DMS
⚠️ Warning
The firmware update restarts the devices automatically. Make sure to update the firmware during off hours.
- Go to
- Log in with your admin credentials.
- From the main menu, click Firmware. The list of available device models appears.
- Locate your BenQ Board model, and then click Update. The update summary appears.
- Review the update details, and then click Update.
Tip: You can also click Schedule to schedule the update at a later time.
Updating the firmware from the BenQ Board
⚠️ Warning
- The firmware update requires a system restart. Make sure to save all important data before proceeding.
- The update process may take a few minutes to complete. Ensure that there are no interruptions. Do not power off the device or disconnect from the internet to prevent permanent damage to the display.
- Open the Settings menu.
- Tap Advanced → System update.
- Tap Update system.
The system downloads and updates the firmware and then restarts automatically.