Touch issues with Windows 10

Touch issues with Windows 10

Problem: If you encounter touch offset problem with Windows 10, this is related with Windows automatically changing the DPI scaling size (not resolution, not aspect ratio) for different screens to present the best display experience to users. In this case, Windows 10 changes IFP’s scaling to 150% automatically but the laptop is still on 100%, which causes touch offset issue.


Solution: To resolve this issue, please kindly change the scaling percentage manually after plugging cable to the IFP, and make sure both screens’ scaling percentage are the same(100% resolves the issue in this case). Below please find the setting for scaling percentage on Windows 10:


Please be advised that there are TWO MUST CONDITIONS to resolve this issue (no matter you’re using Extend or Duplicate to the screen, no matter what resolution you’re using):

  1. Make sure BOTH scaling percentage of screens are the SAME.
  2. MUST sign out and sign in again when “Some apps won’t respond to scaling changes until you sign out.” appears (see pic below).
    Touch Issue notice

Video reference:

  1. Both scaling of the screens are the same (at 175%).
    No sign out is required.
    → Good
  2. Different scaling of the screens (175% for screen 1=laptop, 100% for screen 2=IFP).
    No sign out is required.
    → NG
  3. Both scaling of the screens are the same (at 150%).
    Sign out is required.
    → NG